Global provider of Secure Turnkey Solutions for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and the Intelligent IT Market

INDUSTRY: Technology
SERVICES: Content Development (PR, case studies) 

One of the first technology companies to provide networking solutions, Lantronix hired T&Co. to provide content development services, including writing press releases, case studies, flyers and other marketing collateral. 


  • Increasing its brand image and value within the investor community,
  • Building on its positive reputation to support acquisitions
  • Supporting expansion of distribution network 
  • Supporting engineer and employee recruitment efforts
  • Integrating with Lantronix’s global marketing efforts


  • Marketing Strategy Support
  • Content Development: Press Releases, Case Studies, Flyers, Brochures
  • Lead Generation
  • Partnership Program Support – Qualcomm
  • Distribution/Dealer Program Support (annual awards, joint events)
  • Public Relations & Awards Program (trade media)
  • Social Media Integration
  • Trade Show Support


  • Created powerful brand image within investor community
  • Developed brand environment that successfully attracted four acquisitions
  • Supported lead generation with strong content, including case studies
  • Generated positive reputation that elevates recruitment efforts

Click to view the
press releases
Click to view the case studies

Please contact us to see more of our work.